洞察力 2024年6月3日

Four steps to overcoming the retail crime epidemic

Mitie Perspectives logo - all in block capitals, “Mitie”是紫色字体,“Perspectives”是紫色背景上的白色字体


根据 British 零售 Consortium’s Crime Survey 2024 Report, the cost of theft doubled to £1.8bn during 2022/23 with over 45,000 incidents a day.

The toll on retail workers is huge; there’s been a 50% rise in levels of retail violence and abuse.

“Enough is enough,” says Mitie的 Director of Crime and Intelligence: 零售 & Shopping Centres, John Unsworth.

For the third instalment in the Mitie Perspectives series, John shares his opinion on how to stem the rise in retail crime.

The headlines pull no punches. In recent weeks, coverage of UK retail crime has included:

  • Store bosses call for legal action to tackle shop crime crisis
  • Theft and violence in UK’s small shops soars to record levels
  • Shoplifting explosion as convenience store theft soars

我一直在考虑需要做些什么来控制商店盗窃的激增. There is no silver bullet for the crime on our streets, but I believe the following four steps would improve a desperate situation. And as you’ll see, the wording of one of the headlines is part of the problem.

1. Stop referring to ‘shoplifting’ – it’s crime

让某人解释什么是零售犯罪,大多数情况下他们会用“入店行窃”这个词。. This terminology plays down what is essentially a theft, fraud or robbery. 仅仅因为犯罪发生在零售环境中并不意味着它比发生在街上的犯罪更严重, 在家里或其他地方. Likewise, the perpetrator shouldn’t be referred to as a shoplifter. They are criminals, plain and simple.

当涉及到 打击零售罪案, I believe it’s important to ‘call a spade a spade’. 英国零售协会(British 零售 Consortium)最近的犯罪报告显示,零售工人面临着1英镑的罚款,300 violent or abusive incidents a day. So, there is nothing minor about retail crime. It has a massive human and financial cost, 我们不能忽视零售犯罪对店员身体和精神的影响.

While every criminal has their own motivations, it’s worth noting that many operate as part of organised criminal groups. When crime is coordinated on a large scale, the people at the top of the tree can make millions of pounds. Again, this is not insignificant. It’s premeditated crime and must be treated as such.

A close up of a person shoplifting an item into their bag

2. Recognise the important role retail plays within the community

我总是惊讶于这样一种倾向,即认为零售环境在某种程度上不受适用于其他空间的通常礼节和规范的约束. Every member of the public is invited into shops and supermarkets. 当有人从街上走进来时,不应该放弃对体面和尊重的期望. 可悲的是, 盗窃的统计数据, 暴力和虐待表明,越来越多的人将零售业视为一个机会,而不是社会的重要组成部分.

自1995年开始与大曼彻斯特警察局开展青年培训计划以来, I’ve worked in and led 情报 units operating locally, 地区和国家, before joining Mitie in 2020.

根据我的经验,以社区为基础的方法在打击零售犯罪方面是最有效的. 在Mitie,这意味着 分享情报 on offenders and offending between partners like Sainsbury’s, M&S and Co-op, with whom we have a data sharing agreement. If we’re part of a business crime reduction partnership (BCRP), we share with other organisations locally, trade bodies and the Police. 这种“超越阈值”的方法意味着犯罪不是简单地从一个地方转移到另一个地方. We’re creating a partnership that tackles crime against these businesses. 我们确保有一个统一的策略来保护商店、场所和公众.

3. Work in partnership to fight crime

罪犯通常针对多个零售商,并对零售以外的行业的犯罪负责. 有效的应对需要一系列组织和澳博官方网站携手合作,以确定责任人, 了解它们对整个社会的影响,并实施适当的计划. 公共/私营部门的伙伴关系对于扭转日益增长的犯罪趋势和有效管理罪犯至关重要.

有两个主要的犯罪动机:资助成瘾和资助一种生活方式. In order to positively intervene and prevent future offending, it’s essential to understand this motivation. 有成瘾问题的罪犯通常会在整个成瘾期间偷窃, which means support to break their behaviours is essential. 与此同时,受生活方式和地位驱使的罪犯必须被剥夺通过犯罪获得的资产,这样他们就不能从中受益.

这两种方法都不能通过孤立的工作来实现,也不是任何一个组织的唯一责任. There is no one-size-fits-all method. 有效的解决办法是多方面的,需要各方进行公开和诚实的对话, with clear accountability around who is responsible for what. 预防犯罪是一个团队的努力,我们需要认识到我们都面临的挑战, plus the opportunities that a clearly defined partnership provides.

Mitie employee at a computer in the 安全 Operations Centre, with Sainsbury's branding on the walls

4. Use 科技nology, data and 情报 to fight retail crime

以我在Mitie的角色, 我与我们的零售合作伙伴建立了一个情报社区,使我们能够就共同的威胁和安全问题进行沟通. We can do so thanks to 科技nology, data and 情报. These are essential for winning the fight against retail crime.

作为流程运行的一个示例场景,假设一个可疑的罪犯进入了一家商店. Mitie的 安全官 will input relevant information into the internal system, which relays this to our 安全 Operations Centre (SOC). If there is proof of a previous offence, 包含名称的包, 可以创建照片和其他细节,以提醒警方该地区有活跃的罪犯. 作为减少犯罪网络一部分的组织可以采取预防措施,以确保没有犯罪发生.

Mitie的 SOC remotely monitors 3,000 locations and we have expert crime 情报 teams assessing and analysing national data. 我们有能力提供高质量的证据,供警方用来立案,希望能成功起诉.

结论, 零售犯罪是一个巨大的问题,除非我们都发挥自己的作用,否则这个问题不会消失. Taking a zero tolerance approach might be seen as petty, 但一个价值10亿英镑的问题和数千名受到创伤的零售工人不能掉以轻心.

我们知道如何 解决 这个问题. 我们需要 解决 这样做.

John Unsworth, Director of Crime and Intelligence at Mitie 安全

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